Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lemon Play Dough and Bells!

When I started this blog, it was intended to be a place to share what I do to tie my sensory bin to the Jewish calendar. Since then, I've started a facebook page, sold a few of the tables that my husband and I make, and sent 4 batches of play dough to my college best friend's mother for her surrogate grandchildren.

It's time to get back to what I set out to do.

For Sukkot this year, I made several batches of Lemon Play dough to smell like the etrog. I used the same recipe as I used to make the apple pie spice play dough. I experimented a bit between lemon extract and lemon oil. The lemon oil worked best, lemon extract has alcohol in it, and therefore dried the dough out and turned it crumbly.

To begin Simhat Torah I showed my  children the different parts of the Torah. When we got to the Rimunim, the bells at the top of the Torah, I was inspired. Therefore I  asked my director and assistant director to order some "jingle bells" from Amazon for us. We put them in the sensory table the kids had a blast! They shook their hands in the table so the metal hit different sides and crevices of the table and made different tones and sounds. Some kids gathered the bells in their hands and shook them to their ears to hear the sound. Others found it too loud, and that was okay too. Turns out, all that child needed was an oppurtunity to play with the bells by himself so he could control the sounds being made.


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