Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gelatin Foam



I use Pinterest often. It has actually made me a better teacher and cook! I saw a sensory item the other day called "jelly foam" written by someone in England. I decided, instead of buying Jell-O to use one of the many packages of gelatin that I have in my cabinet. 
I will be 100% honest and tell you that I measured NOTHING. We were having a sensitive to sounds day in our class and since this experience calls for a blender, I did it with one child inside who I know isn’t afraid of the sound. My coteacher and our floater had the rest of the children up in music and since the child I was with was afraid of the piano and crying is contagious at this early time in the school year, we left.  I put in, what I’m guessing is about ½ a cup of dawn dish soap, a cup and a ½ of water with some liquid water color in it (heated up in the microwave) and a ½ of a packet of gelatin. I put it in the blender for about a minute and then poured it into the sensory table.
The foam looked so awesome. It was beautiful to pour into the table.  Once the kids started playing with it thought, it just liquefied. The photos on pinterest did not indicate that it would liquefy. Next time, I will follow the exact recipe, something that isn’t easy for me! Don’t get me wrong, the kids had a blast! We had them strip down into diapers and just go to town. Some kids rubbed the foam on their arms while others rubbed it on their bellies and backs as well. I had to stop one sensory enthusiast from putting the foam down her diaper. She said “but I’m just cleaning my tush!”
2.JPGAnd there you have it!

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