Monday, August 11, 2014

Content vs. Formatting

Goopy Gal,
"You're writing good stuff, but your blog's format isn't the best. There's so many spaces, and your photos aren't where you wanted them." Well, I can tell you this. My philosophy on life, and on teaching is that what's more important is what is inside. Also, I'm fairly impulsive. I knew I wanted to do a blog, I knew I wanted it to be about sensory play, once I found a name I was comfortable with I knew I had to post as soon as possible. Even if it didn't look "pretty" it gave important information and had a fun recipe to try. I feel the same way about children and humans in general. What's inside matters. Sure, it's nice look good, and for things to be in a pretty package, but to me, the meat, the guts, the core- that's the sweet spot. So mainly, my friends, I'm asking for forgiveness if it doesn't look as awesome as other blogs out there, I know I'll get there, but I was in a rush to get content out there, to get people playing, mushing, gushing and getting messy!


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