Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why sensory play?

My parents will tell you stories of me from when I was younger. I was a mess. I'm still a mess, but I mean, like typical, child who isn't afraid to get dirty. My kindergarten teacher told my parents that there wasn't a smock big enough for me. I've always been interested in how to get kids to play with all five senses.

So why sensory play?


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Sensory play is a valuable part of quality early childhood programs (or home life for the home school parents). Children are provided with sensory materials used to enhance their senses of touch, sight, taste, smell, and hearing. The use of sensory materials allows children the opportunity for hands-on and self-directed play to encourage the development of the following:
Fine/Gross motor skills - Children are able to improve their fine/gross motor skills through the manipulation of sensory materials – pouring, molding, lifting, carrying, sifting, sorting, etc.
Creativity - Sensory play allows the child to experiment with a large variety of materials in new and creative ways. Uninterrupted play (by adults) allows creativity to flourish. The children are able to use the materials as they see fit and are able to enjoy the process and have no concern for the end product.
Self-esteem – The children build self-confidence and positive self-esteem as they master what they set out to do. They have the opportunity to choose on their own what they plan to do and how they will accomplish it. When their personal goals are achieved, there is a great sense of fulfillment.
Social development – As children interact with each other, they learn to share and cooperate while building their vocabulary. They also learn effective ways to resolve conflicts among each other.
Cognitive development – Children develop their cognitive skills through sensory play by observing, experimenting, and formulating solutions to problems that arise while manipulating the sensory materials. They learn to count, group, sequence, construct, measure, etc.

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Sensory materials are often gooey, goopy, slimy, wet, squishy, squashy, messy materials that children enjoy playing with, but parents are squeamish about! Most children only get the opportunity to play with these materials in a childcare setting. Rice, mud, water, play dough, sawdust, dried beans, cotton balls, shaving cream, cornmeal, oatmeal, sea shells, Styrofoam peanuts, bubbles, sand, coffee grounds, Jell-O, aquarium gravel, fall leaves, salt, ice cubes, wood shavings, goop (cornstarch & water mixture), potting soil, marshmallows, whipped cream, pudding, silly putty, clay, confetti, shredded paper, beads, feathers, buttons, pasta, Easter basket grass filler, and bird seed are examples of sensory materials. Keep in mind your children’s allergies when using food items and do not allow the children to eat food items that have been used in sensory play.
A large variety of toys and miscellaneous items should be easily accessible to utilize with the sensory materials to encourage a broader range of play. Miscellaneous items may include measuring cups, measuring spoons, scoops, funnels, egg beaters, shovels, small plastic animals, margarine tubs, strainers, tongs, spoons, strawberry baskets, whisks, sieves, lids, magnets, slotted spoons, rakes, buckets, sand molds, cookie cutters, muffin tins, hoses, ramps, sponges, eye droppers, straws, toilet paper tubes, aquarium nets, etc.

If you're doing sensory play for the first time I suggest that you prepare your parents to dress kids for success! I will say that again!
PREPARE YOUR PARENTS TO DRESS THEIR KIDS FOR SUCCESS! Your kids will and SHOULD get messy at preschool! Stretchy pants and comfy t-shirts.

My mentor and dear friend (who was also my florist at my wedding) taught me the following impressive line to tell your parents as to WHY kids should do sensory: Every new sensorial experience a child feels on their finger tips, palms and on the bottom of their feet create dendrites in their brain that last for the rest of their lives! Dendrites are receivers in the brain! (Told ya it was impressive!)

That's all for now.

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